Automate your Facebook group with Admin Assist tool
What is Facenook Admin Assist ?
Facebook Admin Assist is now available for your group! Admin Assist is a new tool that helps you save time managing your group, by giving you controls to automatically review content and restrict people who don’t qualify from posting in your group.
Here’s how Admin Assist works:
Admin Assist allows you to set up criteria related to incoming or published posts that when met, Admin Assist will action on. In the coming months, you will also be able to set criteria for comments. Facebook will have more on this soon.
For example, you can limit promotional content in your group by automatically declining posts that have certain keywords, include a link, or are from people who don’t have a profile picture.
Admin Assist only takes actions based on the criteria you select, and you can manually review and undo any actions it takes, so you’re in full control.
To make it easy to get started, Admin Assist has sets of suggested criteria you can add and tailor to your needs, such as upholding group rules, preventing conflict, and ensuring legitimacy of people who post.
Admin Assist is designed to work with existing moderation tools, such as post approval and Keyword Alerts. If you have post approval turned on, posts not impacted by the criteria set in Admin Assist will go to your pending post queue for review.
To ensure you are well-prepared to implement Admin Assist, we’ve created a Blueprint lesson, created an additional resource, and recently hosted a Community Connect event to help you make the most of this new tool:
Getting Started with Admin Assist:
Using Admin Assist to help you moderate your community
Community Connect: New Public Groups Experience and Admin Assist (
Note that Admin Assist is now available from desktop and mobile.
Admin Assist makes it easier for you to manage and moderate the conversations in your community.