How to Claim Domain for Facebook Instant Articles
How to Claim Domain for Facebook Instant Articles
Facebook Instant Articles is the best monetization tool for the websites that have Social Media traffic and got issues and limits on Adsense.
To add your website on your page for instant articles, You need atleast 25000 link clicks from Facebook on your website or blog.
Once you got 25k traffic you can claim your domain for instant articles.
Claim domain means you have to verify ownership of the website to Facebook. You have to put your Page ID in your website Header Or Plugin.
Here is how to find Page ID and Claim Domain.
First of all, go to Facebook Creator Studio, click on Monetization Tab and Select Page.
In Monetization Overview click on View eligibility. If your page showing eligible for instant articles then click on set up and accept Terms and Conditions.
Note : Any 90 days old page should be eligible for instant articles with 0 likes and followers.
Once you accept Terms and Conditions, Next step is Claim Domain. Click on claim domain and You will find Page ID and a Meta Tag with your Page ID.
Meta Tag looks Like
<meta property=”fb:pages” content=”106740674334592″ />
If you are WordPress user you can add Page ID with official WordPress plugin Or you can simply copy the meta tag and paste in your website’s Header.
Now add your website link in claim domain box and domain will be claimed and show under review.
If you are unable to claim due to the minimal readership then you need to get high traffic from Facebook to become eligible.
After claim domain, You can move forward to next step Configure Style and Production articles. Check our articles for next steps.